I was traveling for work, and far away from home. My A/C gave out on me in 94° heat. I had a short amount of time. I called from 2+ hours away, and spoke to Phil. I explained the situation and he said, "Got it. Come on in. When you get here, ask for Phil. I'll get you right in. We'll see what's going on." That's exactly what happened. After trying some potentially quick solutions in an attempt to help with my short time line, the team deduced that the solution to my problem was a longer fix than I could stick around for. While the A/C couldn't be fixed at that time, they still worked on it, used billable time, personnel, materials, and resources, but charged me nothing. $0. If that isn't the definition of an ethical, honest, and kind business... I don't know what is. Orlando, if you all are going to another shop, you're wasting time and money.